
Transactional Competence™

What is Transactional Competence™?

Transactional Competence™ offers a knowledge and behavior framework designed to guide individuals, teams, and enterprises toward prosperous transactions that can scale. This framework shapes cooperation, develops emerging leadership, and accelerates business results.


Transactional Competence promotes ambition, cooperation, and alignment across large numbers of individuals or teams. It was developed by and for practitioners and is grounded in the philosophy of Transactionalism. In this philosophy, human interactions are best understood as a whole system of valued transactions.

Implementing Transactional Competence means training and developing ourselves, teams, and companies to be fitter and fitter to engage in successful and efficient exchanges. This framework easily reframes our interpersonal, social, and economic pursuits toward productive cooperation.
— John Patterson, CEO, Influential U

Fitter and Fitter

When we talk about a transaction, it’s not just a simple exchange of one thing for another. It’s actually a complex cycle of eight different exchanges that are meant to satisfy different parts of our lives, like health, money, knowledge, relationships, and more. If we focus too much on just one area, it can end up hurting other areas.

People and enterprises who study Transactional Competence™ begin to see life as a system where we’re influenced by our environment, and we also influence it. We’re not just independent entities, but a part of something much larger, whole, diverse, and complete.

Influential U teaches people and groups how to use a transactional framework to work together better, leveraging their differences and improving their performance. We’re always transacting, so when we do it well, we can thrive as individuals, teams, and enterprises.

Transactional Competence has gained global recognition for almost 15 years through word of mouth. Its widespread expansion is due, in part, to the transformative view the framework produces for all involved.

Read more about the Philosophy of Transactionalism.



Individuals who take part in this approach experience personal growth, improved financial stability, and increased satisfaction.



Team that adopt this approach discover a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm as they recognize the value of their roles in more significant transactions.



Enterprises that embrace Transactional Competence see accelerated progress, overcome dysfunction, and are quicker to bring their products to market.



Individuals who take part in this approach experience personal growth, improved financial stability, and increased satisfaction.



Team that adopt this approach discover a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm as they recognize the value of their roles in more significant transactions.



Enterprises that embrace Transactional Competence see accelerated progress, overcome dysfunction, and are quicker to bring their products to market.

Ambition. Cooperation. Alignment.

Transactional Competence promotes ambition, cooperation, and alignment across large numbers of individuals or teams. It was developed by and for practitioners and is grounded in the philosophy of Transactionalism. In this philosophy, human interactions are best understood as a whole system of valued transactions.